Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Is SlutWalk Singapore about the right of women to dress provocatively?

So, I got featured on TODAYonline video about @SlutWalkSG

This is like kinda backdated for the blog cause I was (as usual) busy. So I was interviewed about what I think about SlutWalk.

For those who are not too sure what SlutWalk is you can check it out over WikiPedia or just Google it.

For me, I am not too sure how much was understood(or misunderstood) over the video cause I have to stress that video interview is no joke especially on such a topic where the topic itself is a controversy.

First of all, I am with the organizer on the point that blaming the victim is not right cause there are people who dress very normal but still gets rape. Thus, it is definitely not the victim's fault that they got raped.

That being said, I am also not 100% with the whole idea of Slut Walk. The very first thing I am not that comfortable with itself is the name. No doubt the name Slut Walk creates a lot of attention but end of the day it is not the attention that we want but it's the education that we are trying to give here at the event. We are trying to get to the point that getting raped is not the victims fault and not that the victims are slut. Where else using the word Slut gives it a feeling like "I do not care if I dress like a slut, it is still your fault to rape me." or something along the line. Especially when we have a lot of ignorant people who do not read up more but jump to conclusion. I felt that if this is how it is being run, it might do more harm than help to the victims. It gives "public" the feeling that you guys just want to be different and be a hipster and go against the flow.

On the other hand, I do not think a protest really help either. Like I mention, it is something that people has very strong belief towards and a protest will not help cause by protesting, some people will just find that you guys are just creating trouble. It's just like a case in the X-men where protesting to help the mutants will just get the public hate the mutants more. (Not too sure if this is even a good analogy.)

Although I am saying that it might not help but I am not saying that the victims or the supporters should be sitting ducks. I did not manage to drop by at SlutWalk Singapore event itself but from the pictures I thought it is a very good way of spreading the word and showing support. Creating a buzz through such event ain't all bad but I just thought it might be a little better if they change a name? (I think I said that keeping the name is a good way of affiliating to the main event during the interview but 2nd thought, i change my mind. :x) I think something like PinkDot is a very nice movement, very subtle but yet strong in it's message. We do not see Pinkdot calling themselves GayWalk or something no?

To sum it up, what I am saying is that, yes, we should "fight" for this cause but we do not need to go all out head on with the opposition. No?

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