Wednesday, November 16, 2011

RE: Calling a Woman the First Time.

So Holly was talking about "Calling a Woman the First Time"  over her column. That is what a man would like to know right? As in a man would love to know what a woman think right? I have to agree with Holly on a few points about not calling at late night (cause late night call seems more like a booty call if you ask me), keep it causal and cool and most of the point in fact.

But what about the point on "not calling on the first day". And Holly too mention that waiting for 3 days is too long but is it too long ?

My Bro Barney begs to differ.  And he tells you the story of Jesus. WADDUP ~

If you ask me, I'm a little in between. No, not two days but a good try. I think with the new technology and all it's good to text her. A simple "it was nice meeting you and hope you have a great day, see you around". The reason behind this? This is to show appreciation and shows that you are interested and you are happy about having her number but yet not like super desperate.Woman too get a ego boost for knowing that isn't it? And on the other hand you will look too desperate if you call like immediately isn't it so? Keyword, play it cool, get the number drop a text and only call in a few days time. How many days? 3 days sounds okay.

Oh, and within this 3 days please try not to add her on facebook or twitter or anything. This only gives the girl the feeling you are a cyber stalker and it's like opening a flood gate to everything the girl has done. If you are interested in knowing the girl, know the girl yourself on a date and not via googling her or facebooking her.

That's my play on the playbook with regards to getting a person's contact. Does it work? You have to try it to find out. ; )

Mr.Smith, Stop Callin Stop Callin I don't wanna talk anymore.

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