Monday, September 10, 2007

Hi! Are U a Bergin??

Was watching a video on youtube.. It's about a Famous Taiwan born mix blood Japanese Porn star. They talk abt things like why be a porn star and so on and so for.. but the real topic which interest me was - " Berginity "

Is a woman's berginity very important to man?

this is wat was brought up during the show

" Everyman wanna have sex with the woman he is dating with, but will like to marry a bergin at the end of the day "

which i find it is really very true but cruel, how can there be so many nice and good bergin out there guys are trying to fcuk them so much??

Some guys like bergin cause it's like a " I am the one who did it to her FIRST " i believe is not a so much of a feeling thingy.. it's more like a typical MCP pride thingy..

where else on the other hand some guys like more sexperience woman..

so which group do u belong to?

some woman in our society like to act bergin - everytime u talk abt sex they will act shy and so on.. EEE so disgusting.. and i seriously hate gers who falls in this category.. cause everyone loves sex and that is the bottomline.. everyone does it.. and our ERA is no longer the longer u kip the better.. kip so long for wad?? interest higher ah?? loyalty award is it??

and there will be another grp who are more open and willing to talk abt it..they share their sexperience in changing room or at least they bitch abt it on the fone with their best gf?sex is something u have to talk abt to enjoy it even more.. just like any other thing..

and of course i don't mean i support kiss and tell or rather fcuk and tell.. i do not believe in that.. especially like in the army.. many of my guy friends will do and go back to camp and show off.. come on.. i mean if she is someone u met at the club i still can accept.. but if is ur gf..u can say both of u had good sex..but maybe not till the very detail detail point .. i think u are not respecting her if u are really telling it in full details like what she does and what she likes to say during sex.. it's rather weird..

Woman nv care abt a man's berginity.. this is sumthing i am very confident about.. cause most man lost it to either their left hand or right hand with the help of Vivian Hsu or Pamela Anderson during my ERA..which woman cares if their bf is a bergin? i think the very most they care abt is if u are still having sex with other woman after being together with her? or have u visited any LSB or hooker b4 being with her..

i suppose man who really cares abt their wife being a bergin or not.. pls try to change ur concept unless you are telling me you are a bergin as well until the day u get married.. and that.. i ish respect you deep deep..

So to conclude my post..

What is berginity? Is it a feeling? A lie? A myth?An sexperience? or is it just abt the hymen?

Is there such thing as the correct age to lost it? 13 ish too young? 30 ish too old? who is in the position to judge what is correct or wrong?? it is always in the eye of the beholder which is affected by the environment and society..

Fuck the rules.. let's make love..

Mr.Smith, "Hello.. pls dun act like a bergin in front of me !! "

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