A Video of pple making love.. be it with or without story..
Is a video of a lady flashing her boobs consider porn??
Anyway.. My topic for today is porn..
1) Why Do Man Watch Porn?
2) Do Woman Watch Porn?
3) Do Woman Allow their BF to watch Porn??
4) Should Couple Watch Porn together??
5) Should you do home made video??
*) FAQ
Why Do Man Watch Porn??
I dunno about those guys who always put up a goody goody look who claim that they dun watch porn. If u ask me.. i think those guys are worst then those who watch porn, cause they watch and they lied about it. The only reason i can come out with that guy dun watch porn is cause they cannot find it. If they can find it, i don't believe they wouldn't watch it. Even if you are a weird guy, there are so many kind of porn out there, other den our normal Guy and Girl on bed porn , we have porn at different places, park, car, pool, mountain, beach, forest. We even have girl girl porn, boy boy porn, party porn, animal porn, home video porn. it is like you name it.. they have it..
but why do we watch porn. there is nothing shameful about watching porn. In my opinion, Watching porn satisfy humans' fantasy. Like what i stated above , there are so many kind of porn, so many ways of having sex, buy will you have the courage and be adventurous enough for all the above??
It's simply like watching movie, fill up the gap in your imagination. Can you be a superman and fly? can you be flying out of the moon? finding an incredible adventure into the desert?? NO?
So this is how porn works, it simply turn people on with all this fantasy thingy.. it's a mind game..
DO woman watch porn?
Very subjective.. many say no.. some say yes.. Different from man, those who didn't watch porn for a lady doesn't means they can't find.. it doesn't means they are lying as well.. some really do not watch porn.. but why?? Simply because of our so call "social morale image"
Woman classified man who watch porn "dirty" so even when they feel like watching it, they will worry " eee.. i also so dirty hor" but the fact is.. they wanna try.. they want it.. but they think it is "wrong" for woman to watch porn.. they also worry that after man know they watch porn.. man will look at them as if they are very horny, easy and loose woman.. which i don't think that is the case..
For those who say yes, good for them.. enjoy porn.. enjoy sex.. kip it up..
Should woman allow their BF to watch porn
Many ladies will say "NO" cause they find that " they can simply watch me.. why watch them" ...
or.. i simply dun like my man to watch other woman naked..
why not?? imagine the things ur bf is going to learn from those video and he is going to be so kinky and you guys are gonna have such good bed room fun!!
but of course.. there will be time where woman feel very uncomfortable when their bf is asking too much from them.. You must always remember that they are porn star for a reason.. They are the professionals.. their dicks are longer.. their breast are bigger.. they can do more positions and more dicks can going into them.. simply cause they are PROFESSIONALS!!! and they are paid to do so and they do it so often.. just like comparing ur chicken rice u cook and the lady selling at the stall.. of course there might be pple better den the one selling at the stall.. but how often do that happen??
so do not compare.. but u can learn what you can..and enjoy~ so guys pls dun expect your gf to squirt as much or able to let u penetrate their asses as deep.. and for the ladies.. you know.. not all guys can go on 90mins.. even beckham get subs out in certain matches.. 90min is simply crazy..
Should Couple Watch Porn together?
At the point of view of a good relationship.. why not?? couples should share their hobbies, do things together and why not porn?
watch together.. get turn on together.. den do it together.. but of course like previously mention.. dun compare.. just enjoy..
if a lady is not too comfortable with watching some very violent porn or porn which is too out of the world like animal porn of sm.. maybe start off with something like a homevideo (like tammy) or very mild boy girl on bed 10mins short clip.
Should you do home video?
Why not if both parties are comfortable? It's kinky.. make u feel like you are a actor n actress for once.. and wat more our handphone has this function anyway.. but do remember to del it before you lost you hp..
and of course video AAR ( after action review ) is always very useful.. u can see where you did it well and where u screwed up badly.. very much like dancers looking into the mirror to find their own mistake or video taking down a marching during the parade to review what are their own mistakes.
so yeah.. get a camera phone.. for NSF or REG.. make your gf have one.. :lol:
- Where got time?
No time for porn?? no worries..

PSP to the rescue!!
So what you waiting for?? let's watch some porn!!!
Smith, porn porn is good.. just dun get pwned
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