You know we all have this list of to-dos when we are at work or when we go to the super market or even when it comes to your own life. Like getting a wife, a car, a cat or even a trip to Europe.
What about a sexual "To-Do" list. Like literally to DO a certain (type of)person?
Although I am almost getting married and I pretty much know who I should be doing for the rest of my life, I too did a to do for the fuck of it (Like literally in this case.) and also to let you have a better idea!
1. A girl with really big boobs. (Like above D)
2. A girl with really small boobs. (really small, almost non-existant)
3. A Blone girl (Real blone not dye blonde hor)
4. A Hong Kong Girl!
5. An Actress!
6. A really famous blogger.
7. Girl with fake boobs.
8. A girl with a twin sister.
Maybe because I am like out from the scene for too long or I do not have much random desire(Who am I kidding) cause the list is surprisingly short in this case. I mean I have friend who did a list base on countries. And even for girls like they wanna find guys with 3inch, 5 inch, 7 inch, 10 inch, bend dick or whatever not legendary funny shape. When it comes to this stage of sex, it's no longer just lust or sex. It's almost like science where you are so curious about how your body will react to another sexual animal.
But of course, there are times you can score more than 1 person off the list at 1 time. Below is a fake list(ya right) that I just generated.
1.A Teacher
2.A Blonde
3.C Cups
4.A Virgin
5.A Shaved Pussy
6.A Blogger
7. Girl with fake boobs
So effectively you will clear all 7 at one go if you are doing "A Blonde Teacher who blogs and has Fake Cup C tits and a Shaved Pussy. And is a virgin" TAR-DAR~
It pretty much became like those PS3 trophies system where you try to do weird things just to score it all?
But of course I mean there are people who self proclaim that it ain't that difficult to do who you want or it ain't that difficult to complete the list? So what about taking the challenge of the "Sex Bingo".
So how does the bingo works? First you need a list of say at least 25 possible qualities from girls? Draw a 5 by 5 box using pen and paper with ruler, excel or even power point. And then randomize the qualities into the 25 small boxes like the example below.
So take it easy, you ain't gonna check all 25 boxer out by 1 girl or 1 night. The objective is just to complete a line like traditional bingo. It can be a pretty good alcohol challenge if you guys are both players but of course we must have some possible terms and conditions to make sure the challenge is fair. For example, you can't alter the girl to fit into the boxes. You can pay for a hooker with such qualities unless one of the boxes says hooker. And if in any case you did a girl 3 months before and she was cup A and 3 months down the road she is a D it is considered as 2 box checked.
No offense to any ladies out there but it just seems too gay for me to do a list on the guys but I am sure you ladies can adapt this game and play along if you ladies are interested.
P.S: Please let me know if any of you ever hit a bingo? You just win yourself a free HIV checkup with Smith Leong PTE LTD. Wish you good fuck luck.